Today's intro challenge:
Take this classic image of Georgia O'Keefe by Alfred Stieglitz
and "colorize" it so that it looks fairly lifelike; perhaps like this:
More considerations we'll investigate:
Cutting and Pasting -- it's everywhere (you want to be)...
Seriously -- everywhere...
Nevertheless, these functions have a long lineage...
The Italian Futurists
This text is actually a "map" of World War I
ABCD, Roaul Hassman
Not your typical art "movement"
- kicking the status quo
- not about adding more "new" things,
rather, using existing components...
The Art Critic
Dada Conquers
Tatlin at Home
da Cino
Of course we could go back much further...
The Papyrus of Hunefer, 1370 BC
Book of Durrow, 680
Johann Oprinus, De humani coropus fabrica, 1543
Adolf the Superman, John Heartfied 1932
Goering the Executioner, John Heartfield 1932
Jealousy, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy 1924
Mass Psychosis, Moholy-Nagy 1927
Leda and the Swan, Moholy-Nagy 1925
Structure of the World, Moholy-Nagy 1927
Herbert Matter, 1935
Herbert Matter, 1934
Josef Muller-Brockman, Swiss Auto Club, 1954
Type-driven interpretation of the Civil War
Bradbury Thompson, 1961
Logo for "The Man with the Golden Arm," Saul Bass, 1955
More Recently:
Barbara Kruger, 1984
Barbara Kruger, 1983
Untitled (Cowboy), Richard Prince, 1991-92
Untitled (Cowboy), Richard Prince, 1991-92
More Popularly:
Even MORE recently:
Now it's your turn!
An In-Class Challenge...
There is a famous nursery rhyme, perhaps you've heard of it?
Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
and Jill came tumbling after
Using any, all, or multiples of these images below, attempt to recreate
a scene from this story.